COPING with NOT COPING takes real emotional muscle. It is easy to remain balanced and emotionally calm and centre…
Month: August 2017
“You cannot ESCAPE the responsibilities of tomorrow by avoiding them today.”.. Wise words from Abraham Lincoln. T…
SERENITY has been described as “the highest form of peace.” It is like the gold medal in Emotional Fitness to att…
I still have work to do on RECEIVING love. I much prefer being in control and giving it. You? Being in control, h…
“The FUTURE belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt advises us. Therefore …
The true meaning of the word intimacy involves a willingness to undress our heart and stand emotionally NAKED in …
“Any man who can drive safely while KISSING a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves…
Hearing or Listening
Most people tend to be “hard of LISTENING” rather than “hard of HEARING”. When I am working on my own Emotional F…
We all know lasting, quality, intimate relationships can’t be RUSHED, especially the one we build with ourselves.…
The difference between MEDIOCRE relationships and fanbloodytastic ones is each other’s willingness to pay attenti…