Tough Love


Sometimes in our lives when ‘the going gets TOUGH’ the disconnected TOUGH hearted don’t get going; they abandon.

When we or others ‘get it wrong and stuff up’ in life, it takes no strength of character to shame, judge, punish and turn away; this is how a disconnected, unfit heart reacts.

What really demonstrates TOUGH LOVE is NOT withdrawing our LOVE when we or others behave unlovingly.   Its the TOUGHEST assignment for us all, to stay kind when those we deeply care about are being a pain in the arse this requires true Emotional Fitness.

It’s easy peasy to LOVE when people behave lovingly and get it right that requires no effort nor commitment.

The most memorable people in our lives will always be the ones who stood by us, and still believed in us even when we were behaving unlovingly.

So let’s ensure we remain the emotionally connected and tender hearted memorable ones when the going gets TOUGH in our relationships.

Especially within the relationship we are having with ourselves.

In my view, TOUGH LOVE requires an Emotionally Fit heart to master the ability to unashamedly continue to give love, especially when it’s least deserved, ‘cos that is when it’s need the most.

Lotsa love Cynthia xxx


© Copyright 2016 Cynthia J. Morton Emotional Fitness™

Cynthia Morton

Managing Director

Cynthia Morton is a bestselling Author, Blogger, Speaker and Founder of the multi award winning Emotional Fitness Program.