Gut Instinct

gut instinct


“I rely far more on my GUT INSTINCT than researching huge amounts of statistics”

Sage advice from Sir Richard Branson.

When life gets too hard and you feel your GUT INSTINCT begging you pause and listen. Please allow yourself the time and space to do it. Listen that is. I stop often throughout my day to listen to what my GUT INSTINCT is telling me.

Simple wisdom. However, too many of us see the act of silent self-reflection as too inconvenient. Not listening to our GUT INSTINCT usually leads to us hearing ourselves say later down the track …

“Fuck me, I knew it, I had a GUT feeling and I ignored it”

If you ask me, it’s way too inconvenient not to pay attention to our GUTS innate wisdom. Our ego will often tell us to ignore what our GUT knows to be true and fight our instincts to the bitter end, regardless of what it costs us or how emotionally damaging it may be.

Our heart on the other hand knows shit our ego does not. It takes far greater courage to surrender to what our GUT knows to be true and honour it, than it does to follow our ego’s convenient script.

I am not a religious person, however, there are some great gems of wisdom within all religions if we look with an open heart, not a closed mind, to be discovered that will nourish our human spirit when our ego is battling our GUT INSTINCT. One prayer I do like even though when I pray my heart speaks only to Mother Nature and Father Time is called the alcoholic’s prayer or The Serenity Prayer. These wise and comforting words help me immensely when I find my GUT INSTINCT about a person, place or thing is trying to get my attention.

If you don’t know it I would like to share it for you to consider as a helpful tool next time your GUT INSTINCT asks you to pause and perhaps reconsider your ego’s direction or intention. For those that have a loving God keep the prayer as it is. For those that don’t believe in a God the word “Love” is interchangeable in my experience as God and Love really can mean the very same thing. The pure love we hold in our hearts for our child, our lover, a family member or a pet we would get to our knees and surrender to in a heartbeat, otherwise it is just not love.

“God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change

The courage to change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference”

Living one day at a time,

Enjoying one moment at a time

Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace”

So moving forward, I invite you to listen to your GUT INSTINCT just a little more. Allowing yourself plenty of to time to pause and reflect then to respond to life empowered with love rather than reacting with fear.

Our GUT INSTINCT, in my experience, is just an every day phrase that describes our heart’s loving innate wisdom directing us back to our true north, well before our ego has worked out what to do next.

It’s worth remembering that a bad day for our ego, can turn out to be a great day for our heart. Just sayin’ …

Lotsa love Cynthia xxx

© Copyright 2016 Cynthia J. Morton Emotional Fitness™

Cynthia Morton

Managing Director

Cynthia Morton is a bestselling Author, Blogger, Speaker and Founder of the multi award winning Emotional Fitness Program.