Behaviour is the most revealing Love Language.
Love is an action so … regardless of which of the 5 Love Languages you favour your behaviour is either loving, playful, generous and respectful or it’s not.
Of course none of us can be saints in our relationships 100% of the time, so when we are having a little war with ourself or the world and our behaviour becomes disconnected, unkind, intolerant or disrespectful. It’s most important to own our behaviour, apologise, seek help if we need it so we can reconnect lovingly.
If you are not loving, playful, generous and respectful in your relationship with yourself you’ll have difficulty sharing your heart with others so … first things first … ensure you treat your heart gently and if you’re at war with yourself please ask for help, this is what therapy is all about … helping you make peace with yourself.
Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday Recovery Rockstar????
To view my YouTube Recovery videos https://youtu.be/NlsxUFzv8mo
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