“The strongest love is the love that can demonstrate its FRAGILITY.” Paulo Coelho gently reminds us of this…
Month: February 2017
TEARS for fears it is not just the name of an 80s band, it is what our TEARS are designed for. Even TEARS of joy …
The 72 Hour Option
What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours … So the song goes. However, allowing ourselves the gift of the 72…
It has been said that in life we are not truly WEALTHY until we have something money just cannot buy. To reach hi…
“Can’t get no satisfaction, but I try, and I try, and I try, and I try.” Most of us can empathise with Mick Jagge…
Enduring HARD, private, emotional times in our internal world is always a challenge. It’s something we do alone r…
“If you love a flower growing wild, leave it in its natural state, don’t remove it, because if you take it from i…
We can view our world with our focus to learn about life from “hindsight”, “mindsight”, or my preference “kindsig…
What is GRIEF then? The medical experts tell us it’s a natural response to the loss of someone or something we ha…
“GRACE is the face love wears when it meets imperfection” … Sister Anne assured me of this way back in 1995…