“I hold a beast, an angel and a madman within me” … Dylan Thomas confesses. I often feel the same way. I first heard the term TERMINAL UNIQUENESS when I started attending drug and alcohol recovery gro...

“I hold a beast, an angel and a madman within me” … Dylan Thomas confesses. I often feel the same way. I first heard the term TERMINAL UNIQUENESS when I started attending drug and alcohol recovery gro...
“I will never, ever, ever FORGIVE you for what you have done!” Have you ever said these words to anyone or had them said to you? Sometimes people make emotional choices to live backwards, ...
“I can’t MEDITATE, it’s too hard, I can’t stop thinking and if I do I fall asleep.” Heard this before? Said this before? There are many ways to MEDITATE, like there are many ways to exercise. It...
“We must believe in LUCK, for how else can we explain the success of those we don’t like?” Maybe you can relate to this honest statement from Jean Cocteau. In my experience, LUCK and endurance seems t...
Ever felt like a FRAUD? Ever been called one? Shit I have. By close (so called) friends and members of my biological family. Often. Way too often. So let’s really have a good look at this unwanted wor...
Our greatest desires and our worst fears often are magnified as we shiver with ANTICI……………………………..PATION. The art of ANTICIPATION is a multifaceted skill to master. When it comes to delayed gratificat...
“Insane people are always sure they are just fine. It’s only the sane people who are willing to admit sometimes they are a little CRAZY.” Amen, to Nora Ephron’s observation. When we decide it’s ...
Life is under no obligation to give you what you expect … I was so pissed off when I heard this phrase early in my recovery. I was in my first year of getting clean and sober when my marriage fe...
If we find we are being listened to less, it is worthwhile checking the level of UNSOLICITED ADVICE we may be including in our conversations. People tune out when we tell them what we think they shoul...
As you start your day, do you mostly feel like Sleeping Beauty or the Grumpy Troll under the bridge ready to bring anyone down to dares to cross you? SLEEPING Beauty may be a childhood fairy tale wher...