“If I had no sense of HUMOR, I would have long ago committed suicide.” Mahatma Gandhi was not being melodramatic when he said this. It’s so very true that HUMOUR can save our lives from excessive dark...

“If I had no sense of HUMOR, I would have long ago committed suicide.” Mahatma Gandhi was not being melodramatic when he said this. It’s so very true that HUMOUR can save our lives from excessive dark...
Some of us at times of vulnerability become accustomed to pretending and HIDING how we honestly feel, behind … busyness, food, alcohol, money, pills, parenting, work, drugs, sport or drama. When we re...
Remaining TEACHABLE at any age opens our heart to be able to access more wisdom, enthusiasm, new opportunities and adventures to continue in our life. If we are not TEACHABLE we are stuck in ‘know it ...
Do you have full ownership and management rights of your emotions or do they own and manage you? We are all aware of the necessity from time to time to DETOX our body and cleanse it with healthy fluid...
“How would we ever learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world?” … Helen Keller questions us. FEAR STOMS that show up and cloud our sunny, emotional wellbeing ar...
Sometimes our problem is we expect love affairs to always feel good; they don’t. Let’s remember today to be GENTLE with each other if our love life is experiencing growing pains? There is ...
Sometimes saying “No” is the most helpful thing we can do for ourselves and others. However, it can be one of the hardest words to say without secretly feeling guilty or mean. When I take on feelings ...
When someone else disrespects us behaving in a HEARTLESS way and shuts us out, it is tempting to do the same to them. It’s helpful to remember they are simply fearful thus closing off to love fo...
“Beauty of whatever kind in its supreme development invariably excites the SENSITIVE soul to tears,” shares Edgar Allan Poe. However, Confucius reminds us that … “Everything has beauty, but not everyo...
“Those who have felt the deepest grief, are best able to experience supreme happiness” Alexandre Dume Sitting with SADNESS requires great discipline, Emotional Fitness and heart wisdom. I find it much...