
“Love is an irresistible DESIRE to be irresistibly DESIRED” … Robert Frost advises. Heartfelt DESIRE grows deeper, more personal and privately beautiful as we mature. Our deepest DESI...


Happy words like HOLIDAYS, birthday, anniversary and Christmas for most people bring up feelings of relief and joy, not angst and sadness. The walking wounded amongst us however, often hide in being h...


“We are what we repeatedly do, therefore excellence, then is not an act, but a HABIT” …..   Aristotle I got to thinking during the sacred hours of dawn that I love so much, how our HABITS, y...


“Beauty of whatever kind in its supreme development invariably excites the SENSITIVE soul to tears,” shares Edgar Allan Poe. However, Confucius reminds us that … “Everything has beauty, but not everyo...


Conflicted About Conflict? “Peace is not the absence of CONFLICT, but the ability to cope with it.” Thank you Dorothy Thomas, I could not agree more. CONFLICT is a part of every growing and healthy re...


Bloody hell, I get so IMPATIENT with IMPATIENT people! So for me to actually remain an adult and be patient with IMPATIENT people well … that takes real emotional muscle. I am still a work in pr...


Whenever we feel out of CONTROL in our internal emotional world we often start to try to CONTROL others in our external physical world. Feeling emotionally overwhelmed and powerless indicates our chil...

Sunday Sabotage

Some of us use any form of emotional sedation we can on SUNDAYS. Maybe we need to quell the anxiety of either too much alone, couple or family time during the weekend hitting emotional overload.  ...

Angels & Dickheads

“Embrace your inner DICKHEAD” is a line I say often quietly to myself and gently to my clients from time to time. I believe that we all have the capacity to both enjoy ANGEL and DICKHEAD moments in th...


“This psychiatry shit. Apparently, what you’re feeling is not what you’re feeling, and what you’re not feeling is your real agenda.” Tony Soprano’s quote works beautifully here as he vents his frustra...