Emotional Monogamy

“For me, the highest level of sexual excitement is in a monogamous relationship” … Warren Beatty, a once famous womanizer, now confesses what he has discovered in his later years. Are we human beings ...


Our DOUBT is not our enemy. It is a word that simply describes the time our head, heart and body require to have a quick meeting to review the situation. DOUBT just buys us a little time to check in w...


There’s no … us and them … when it comes to the desire to numb off emotion.  Human beings hit overwhelm often, it’s a fact. We all crave to be able to “take the edge...


Sometimes we deliberately avoid new BEGINNINGS because what we are really trying to do is to intercept and avoid any potential endings. Sound familiar? If we want to really live, we have gotta remain ...


We can choose GROWTH, or we can choose comfort. We can have both, but not both at once. Comfort without its partner GROWTH regresses us into boredom. GROWTH without it’s buddy comfort only accelerates...


When people say to us in a disapproving tone… “You’ve CHANGED” … What they are really saying is that we have stopped living our life their way. And they are uncomfortable about it because ...


“Those who have felt the deepest grief, are best able to experience supreme happiness” Alexandre Dume Sitting with SADNESS requires great discipline, Emotional Fitness and heart wisdom. I find it much...

Anger and Loss

ANGER is an integral part of our grieving process. It’s the vital second stage of working through processing LOSS and honouring grief. When a traumatic event occurs we go into shock (denial) fir...


A SLAVE to love? Or booze, sugar, drama, drugs, sex, exercise, cigarettes, money, study, our children, parents, friends, an uncaring lover, an unhappy marriage or our past. Anything ringing a bell? Ba...