The BRAVE among us dare to love. It is the biggest life assignment we are given. First to forge a solid marriage with our own head (thoughts), heart (feelings) and body (actions), then merge lovingly ...

The BRAVE among us dare to love. It is the biggest life assignment we are given. First to forge a solid marriage with our own head (thoughts), heart (feelings) and body (actions), then merge lovingly ...
Everyone seems NORMAL, until you get to know them … When we use the word NORMAL in comparison to others to make one of us right or wrong we emotionally self-harm. The only healthy and accurate b...
The difference between MEDIOCRE relationships and fanbloodytastic ones is each other’s willingness to pay attention to detail. Those of us interested in creating beautiful lives for ourselves and our ...
We all HURT ourselves and others emotionally from time to time. How we HURT others signposts how we HURT ourselves too, but may not yet be aware of. Maybe we criticise or ignore, yell, sulk or slam do...
Avoiding UNHAPPINESS is not the road to HAPPINESS. Where is the HAPPY PLACE you go to when you are UNHAPPY? Avoiding owning our UNHAPPINESS and sitting with it so we can deal with it simply magnifies ...
“COMPARISON is the thief of joy”. Really? I’m not so sure. Franklin Roosevelt’s observation about this habit only tells half of the story in my view, throwing the baby out with the bath water. Simply ...
“We must accept finite DISAPOINTMENT but never lose infinite hope” Martin Luther King shares a tough unavoidable Emotional Fitness workout for us all. DISAPPOINTMENT is a heavy weight to lift in life ...
Those of us inexperienced at following our bliss hang onto our DENIAL instead for dear life. DENIAL protects open-heart wounds effectively like a bandage. DENIAL enables many of us to survive when fol...
“WHY do we keep choosing to LOVE?” This is a question many of us ask ourselves sometimes when relationships become emotionally challenging and we reflect on our easier, single, less emotionally compli...
We know that when it comes to arguments 10% of the conflict is due to our difference of opinion and 90% is due to a disrespectful TONE of voice. Powerful communicators that we willingly stop to listen...