
We all have questions we need to ask of ourselves and others throughout life in order to learn, feel safe and progress. The quality of ANSWER we receive, however, is very often directly related to our...


PRIVACY is not something we are merely entitled to; it is a prerequisite for intimacy and our emotional growth. This important word often gets used against people as if it is a dysfunctional request, ...


For those males that are confused about females and believe other males who tell them that women do not know what they want if you ask me, those males just are not listening closely enough.When it com...

Why Love?

“WHY do we keep choosing to LOVE?” This is a question many of us ask ourselves sometimes when relationships become emotionally challenging and we reflect on our easier, single, less emotionally compli...


“Whatever we think the world is withholding from us, we are actually withholding from the world” Ekhart Tolle’s quote reminds us of how the law of ABUNDANCE operates within our emotional world. If we ...


“So don’t be afraid to let them show, your true COLOURS, are beautiful, like a rainbow.” Ahhh, sing it Cyndi Lauper! COLOUR assists us to feel safer or freer. COLOUR is a silent energy portal direct t...


ASSERTIVNESS is not what you do, it is a discipline and maturity that creates who and how you are. When we are aggressive we shame others. When we are submissive we shame ourselves. When we are ASSERT...


When we edit our truth for the approval of others we BETRAY ourselves. If we ignore the habit of self-BETRAYAL it eventually shows up in our relationships. When we pretend we are happy, that something...


FAITH makes the hard stuff in life possible to endure and overcome, but not easy. When anxiety begins in our heart, it indicates we have let go of our FAITH in ourselves, in life and in love. FAITH is...

People Pleasing

When we give others their way because we are too fearful not to, this is the definition of dangerous PEOPLE PLEASING. This lifestyle drains our energy and authenticity as we give our power away, fearf...