In ancient times if a FEMALE challenged society or a male and dared to speak her truth she was feared, discredited, burned and labelled a witch! Today witches are too often called difficult bitches fo...

In ancient times if a FEMALE challenged society or a male and dared to speak her truth she was feared, discredited, burned and labelled a witch! Today witches are too often called difficult bitches fo...
Often the people we dislike the most have the most to teach us about our own lack of self acceptance, for they are our unwelcome emotional MIRRORS. They reflect back to us the limits to our own capaci...
Our wisdom is knowing the right path to take in our lives, our INTEGRITY grows when we actually take it. Who are we under the surface, behind closed doors and when gossip arises and the backs are turn...
What’s greedy and what’s a healthy state of self respect and ENTITLEMENT? There is rarely an older generation that looks at the younger generation without a thing or two to say about their sense of EN...
Loving yourself through all life’s good times and shitty times is not vanity; it is the only path to SANITY. Fear misguides us. Love guides us. We get off track and lost in our lives when we allow our...
“Most CYNICS are really crushed romantics; they’ve been hurt, they are sensitive and their CYNICISM is a shell that is protecting this really tiny, dear part in themselves struggling to survive” Well ...
Are you good friends with your BODY or unhappy with your current relationship with it? How do you feel about your BODY? Has it let you down often, or do you let it down often? Those among us who have ...
“The new frontier …… the human heart…” This is me aged 29 back in 1991 in a canoe travelling up The Amazon. I won a writing competition and was invited to trek through virgin forest in the Amazon Jung...
When our heart is deeply wounded, an AUTHENTIC APOLOGY is like an antibiotic. An insincere apology is like rubbing salt into the wound and can be almost as much of an insult as the upsetting event. If...
“GRACE is the face love wears when it meets imperfection” … Sister Anne assured me of this way back in 1995. “You are experiencing pure GRACE, my girl, you are experiencing a miracle healing you...