
We are only as sick as the SECRETS we keep. This is a mantra reminding us that the shame in keeping SECRETS long term will make us sick. These words are repeated often to those like me recovering from...

Instant Gratification

“INSTANT GRATIFICATION takes too long.” I couldn’t agree more. Fellow emotionally transparent addict and alcoholic Carrie Fisher sums up the problem with INSTANT GRATIFICATION … Just beautifully. Dela...

Food And Sex

“FOOD is like SEX, when you abstain even the worst stuff begins to look good” shares Beth McAllister … When FOOD and SEX mean everything or nothing in our lives, this is an alarm to let us know an emo...


I am a proud and grateful introvert, so if I am honest my greatest fear has never been being alone, that is actually easier for me than being with others. My greatest fear has been about being VULNERA...


“Let no man pull you so low as to hate him” Martin Luther King Jr advises us. Great wisdom, but easier said than done though for some of us. This four-letter word is one I have truly had a love, HATE ...


  Being in an intimate PARTNERSHIP is a full-time job, so if you are not ready, do not apply. An intimate relationship goes to a whole new level when both parties choose to hold each other’s hear...


Some of humanity’s most brilliant minds … Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein, all consistently remind us that their success was due to the fact that they learnt to trust then honour thei...


Bang, bang, you shot me down, bang, bang I hit the ground … Words can TRIGGER devastating bullets straight to the heart if we have no emotionally protective boundaries in place. Most of us spend the s...

Anxious About Anxiety

Creating ANXIETY ABOUT ANXIETY is about as helpful as getting angry at angry people. When we become the very thing we are so fearful of and self-righteous about judging, the cycle continues from one r...


There are times we all often just want to run away from all the work it takes to be a responsible loving, emotionally connected sane and sober adult. It just doesn’t come easily for all of us, a...