Creating ANXIETY ABOUT ANXIETY is about as helpful as getting angry at angry people. When we become the very thing we are so fearful of and self-righteous about judging, the cycle continues from one r...

Creating ANXIETY ABOUT ANXIETY is about as helpful as getting angry at angry people. When we become the very thing we are so fearful of and self-righteous about judging, the cycle continues from one r...
There are times we all often just want to run away from all the work it takes to be a responsible loving, emotionally connected sane and sober adult. It just doesn’t come easily for all of us, a...
PISSEDOFFNESS is a place many of us go to, and stay a while when relationships and life just get too damned much. We find peace in our PISSEDOFF state, because we become so bloody unpleasant everyone ...
One of the most important priorities we have as parents and partners is to be true to ourselves. When we are frustrated, angry, jealous and irrational to OWN IT as our behaviour and name it takes emot...
“You have enemies? Good. That means you have stood up for something sometime in your life” I love these words from Winston Churchill. Sometimes in life we need to stand up and speak up and even take a...
“If we want the best the world has to offer, we must offer the world our best” Neale Donald Walsh reminds us of this universal law. There was a time in my life where the BEST felt wrong or...
I used to really dislike this word and rebel from anything or anyone that represented DISCIPLINE during the first 33 years of my life. Now decades down the track it’s a word that I have fallen in love...
So let’s talk about TRUST issues? Yep, most of us have had them. Our strength of character is built with our commitment to honour and TRUST our heart’s truth. Without self-authority we lack emotional ...
“There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the SHADOW of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires” OUR SHADOW SELF is...
Our eating and spending behaviours are a window into our level of emotional self-care. When we over or undereat and/or spend, this mirrors emotional deprivation or over compensation. Our financial and...