Bloody hell, I get so IMPATIENT with IMPATIENT people! So for me to actually remain an adult and be patient with IMPATIENT people well … that takes real emotional muscle. I am still a work in pr...

Bloody hell, I get so IMPATIENT with IMPATIENT people! So for me to actually remain an adult and be patient with IMPATIENT people well … that takes real emotional muscle. I am still a work in pr...
Whenever we feel out of CONTROL in our internal emotional world we often start to try to CONTROL others in our external physical world. Feeling emotionally overwhelmed and powerless indicates our chil...
“Embrace your inner DICKHEAD” is a line I say often quietly to myself and gently to my clients from time to time. I believe that we all have the capacity to both enjoy ANGEL and DICKHEAD moments in th...
“This psychiatry shit. Apparently, what you’re feeling is not what you’re feeling, and what you’re not feeling is your real agenda.” Tony Soprano’s quote works beautifully here as he vents his frustra...
Some people spend the second half of their LIVES getting over having just survived the first half. When we have been raised in survival mode, LIVING does not come naturally; it is just not our default...
ANGER is an integral part of our grieving process. It’s the vital second stage of working through processing LOSS and honouring grief. When a traumatic event occurs we go into shock (denial) fir...
“Just like a PRAYER your voice can take me there” ….. Where? Madonna had her own destination. Do you have one? Depends on where we choose to get to and if we believe in the act of PRAYER and a higher ...
When we give others their way because we are too fearful not to, this is the definition of dangerous PEOPLE PLEASING. This lifestyle drains our energy and authenticity as we give our power away, fearf...
During a recent conversation with a highly intellectual client, he asked me whether I thought there was a difference between gratitude and APPRECIATION. In my view it is only a subtle difference, but ...
JEALOUSY can only exist when we forget our individual worth; emotionally self-abandon and lack self-confidence. This unsettling emotion, JEALOUSY is often an unwelcome silent guest at many people’s re...